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Category Archives: Film

Reviews, Top N lists, and other sundry cinematic stuff.

Donnie Darko

by Rob Friesel

HOLY FUCKING SHIT! Thought that it had been Wrangled but turns out I saw it here… (Same difference?) Very heady, very well-informed flick philosophically, dramatically, and cinematically speaking. Oh and while the psychology leans in the pop-psych direction, it isn’t so caught up in that angle that it ruins it. (In fact, I’d say that […]

sunday round-up

by Rob Friesel

Weighing in on a barometric headache… (ugh) Far from a spectacular weekend, it’s graciously been a distance from catastrophic, too. A & I caught the HHGTTG movie — which was a good adaptation. Not the world’s best cinema but a good laugh with some highlight moments. I didn’t feel ripped off and definitely left w/ […]

don’t panic

by Rob Friesel

It didn’t really sink in that this was even an option until… Well, I suppose just now. For some reason it didn’t really seem feasible that anyone could do Adams’ novel justice on the screen. But apparently 85% of this screenplay is Adams’ work anyway, so I guess I’m feeling pretty good about it now. […]

one point oh…

by Rob Friesel

Seen titled as “Paranoia:1.0” on Amazon and “One Point O” on IMDB, this film starring Jeremy Sisto (whom you may recall as Billy from “6 Feet Under”) had at one point oh so much potential. Gentle reader, I recommend you go see it so that you may return here and comment on it. It was […]


by Rob Friesel

I’ve fallen victim to the Revenge of the Sith hype– partly to blame is the Chikin Sandowichi post referencing the l33t parody trailer (funniest thing I’ve seen since “Mortor”). I guess it’s not the worst thing ever, I just find myself with lowered expectations of Lucas. Special effects are nice but can I at least […]

13 Moons

by Rob Friesel

Alexandre Rockwell’s 13 Moons pretty much comes out of nowhere as an absurd freak-show comedy that’s ever so slightly ambiguous in its ethics — which is probably its strongest point. This one scores high in the “WTF?” department, with fortunately low scores in the cliche area; kinda runs out of steam at the end but […]

Sunday a.m. digest

by Rob Friesel

Nice little condensed piece from on setting up an OS X server. Saving for later… *snip!* Another idea I find very appealing: iPod shuffles at libraries for Audible content. Supa cool. On the close to home front: “Dartmouth retools for Wi-Fi video”— Potentially disastrous if not executed properly. If I’m reading this correctly, this […]