found drama

get oblique

Category Archives: Mac

Often tied in with other tech or code posts; Apple/Mac/iOS speculations, hacks, and other errata.

repair (2)

by Rob Friesel

UPDATE on yesterday’s post. The compiled notes: …not sure how it started but: published a poster-size thumbnail set to PDF – – and iPhoto went “pinwheel” – – and then when I tried to Cmd+Option+Esc my way out of it, Finder pinwheeled as well; Malkovich went totally unresponsive so I did a hard reboot w/ […]


by Rob Friesel

Extra time taken today, consumed by some inexplicable OS X nastiness. Tried “print to PDF” from iPhoto and next thing I knew the system was good as frozen. A hard reboot later and it’s two hours of troubleshooting and assorted diagnostics to culminate in an OS reinstall. Ugh.

mild irony

by Rob Friesel

Does anyone else find it mildly ironic that Apple – – a company practically synonymous with the GUI and “human-centered design” – – can’t seem to get it right when it comes to the mouse? Mossberg’s take on the “Mighty Mouse” gets boiled down to: So, stop the presses: Microsoft has beaten Apple on hardware […]

…what’s your function?

by Rob Friesel

A friend of mine mentioned recently he’s considering an iPod mini but asked: “How do you pick what to put on there?” The obvious point being: Clearly, you have more than 4 GB of music…. So I decided to share with him how I keep my tunes fresh: Sync the following playlists: This Is Rabbit’s […]

user friendliness

by Rob Friesel

Hey… Isn’t this article about John…?: When my eldest was five, we bought him an old Mac Classic to learn keyboarding and mouse skills. One day I noticed he seemed to be using the mouse wrong. On closer inspection I found he was using it upside down! He’d turned it 180 degrees, so when he […]

Oblique Strategies widget

by Rob Friesel

With a little help I made my first Dashboard Widget: the Oblique Strategies widget This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 2.5 License. For those unfamiliar with the Oblique Strategies, may I recommend Gregory Taylor’s site on the subject. Short version? Musician Brian Eno and artist Peter Schmidt, faced with the “creator’s block” […]

just no stickers on the case please

by Rob Friesel

No sooner do I get Malkovich set up than Apple makes the announcement at WWDC ’05. har har har The comment thread on Engadget’s livecast was worth a good gander. The same mix of uninformed knee-jerk reactions and “oh yeah!” insightfulness one would expect from that crowd. But the two most interesting [p]reactions were on […]