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Tag Archives: fonts

Linkdump for January 14th

by Rob Friesel

Bulletproof Accessible Icon Fonts Hot on the heels of Ian Feather's piece on SVG vs. icon fonts (vide infra), the Filament Group published their own lessons learned about using icon fonts in the wild. (tagged: accessibility fonts icon fonts ) Software in 2014 Tim Bray's current "state of the union" on the software engineering field, […]

Linkdump for April 5th

by Rob Friesel

Lessons on @font-face from the F2E Summit at NCZOnline: We in the United States are pretty spoiled when it comes to web fonts since our alphabet has only 26 letters and a few punctuation marks. Adam pointed out that Asian character sets are much large, and so font files can be as large as 4-5 […]

Linkdump for May 19th

by Rob Friesel

Bizarre animals that are new to science at New Scientist (tagged: via:ozgallagher biology weird science evolution ) The Git Parable (tagged: git essay ) Galactic Center of Milky Way Rises over Texas Star Party on Vimeo — pretty frickin' cool! (tagged: video astronomy ) In Search of Microformats (tagged: via:kapowee microformats hcard webdev todo work […]

Linkdump for April 2nd

by Rob Friesel

Tauntaun Sleeping Bag ThinkGeek wins the price this year for best April Fool's prank. Hands down. (tagged: geek fun kids wishlist starwars blog ) Wrong Tomorrow – pundits vs. time via fogus, DF — rejected alternate title "pundit fail"? (tagged: prediction future blog ) SXSW Typography: Quit Bitchin and get Your Glyph on If there's […]

Linkdump for February 24th

by Rob Friesel

Recipe for Disaster: The Formula That Killed Wall Street Great article, even if it glosses over certain things. Especially good in combination with: — that said, I'm still not sure what a "credit default swap" is… (tagged: money economy business math ) Italian Food and Woodworking Does enlightenment bring with it responsibility and obligation? […]

Linkdump for February 17th

by Rob Friesel

Specify your canonical at Official Google Webmaster Central Blog (via DF) (tagged: webdev url todo ) The Third Bucket by James Duncan Davidson (tagged: photography essay todo ) Top 10 iPhone Games, as Voted by Readers at Game | Life from Yay! Time-wasters! (tagged: iPhone games fun todo ) MDK : Quicklook for […]

links for 2007-01-05

by Rob Friesel

Recommended font resources for web designers A little light on content/resources but overall a not-too-shabby round-up of font resources for web designers. That said: this is NOT a discussion of deploying fonts in the actual page content (think: for your graphics). (tags: fonts) Mr. Neighborly’s Humble Little Ruby Book via LifeHacker: PDF download for a […]