NaNoWriMo 2010
¶ by not another Rob?I’m doing it.  I might regret it.  But I’m going for it.
Progress to be tracked daily… here.
I’m doing it.  I might regret it.  But I’m going for it.
Progress to be tracked daily… here.
NaNoWriMo is over. Now what? Toss it, or floss it? And… via Scrivener (tagged: writing nanowrimo ) Steve Souders: Making Web Sites Faster in the Web 2.0 Age at O'Reilly Radar (tagged: JavaScript webdev work todo ) CommonJS effort sets JavaScript on path for world domination via /. (tagged: javascript interesting CommonJS ServerJS todo ) […]
The copy/pasted/validated word count came in as 50,198… …but that was a story without an ending. So I plowed ahead and tacked on an ending that kinda/sorta worked well enough 1 and used Scrivener’s word counter 2 to get my new “completed” word count of 52,520. So yeah… Go me! Thanks to everyone that was […]
If you’ve been keeping track, we are (as of typing this) past week three and into week four of NaNoWriMo. According to their little widget, there are eight days left in the writing sprint. I’m currently claiming 45,058 words committed to the manuscript. To put it into perspective, that’s about: 5 days aheads of schedule […]
Friday the 13th. I am 13 days into NaNoWriMo and have hit that weird spot where the hours don’t all match up in a given day any more. I apparently picked a hell of a year to give a crack at the contest again. Whew… A few observations at this point in the writing sprint: […]
If you didn’t hear, I went ahead and did “the dumb thing” and enrolled myself 1 in NaNoWriMo 2009. For the uninitiated, “NaNoWriMo” is “National Novel Writing Month” – the challenge is to write a novel (defined as 50,000 words or more, for the sake of the event) between midnight November 1 and 11:59pm November […]
Scrivener NaNoWriMo 2009 Trial Against my better judgment, I'm going to participate in NaNoWriMo this year. And I'm using the special trial version of Scrivener to do it. (tagged: Scrivener writing NaNoWriMo todo ) Seven questions that keep physicists up at night at New Scientist (via B²) (tagged: science physics todo ) Left vs Right […]
Well, November is National Novel Writing Month (NaNoWriMo, that is to say). Had a hell of a time of it last year 1– made it to 50,688 words in 25 days with what really did resemble a complete story by the end of it all. Still haven’t revisited that story as I’d planned to… but […]
Cross-posted from Synaptic Clog: Writely Done or: How F_D Learned to Stop Worrying and Love NaNoWriMo The tunes that got me through the month: “Panic” The Smiths “No Names feat. Black Debbie” Danger Doom “We Will Become Silhouettes” The Shins “How Soon Is Now?” The Smiths “Banstyle/Sappy’s Curry” Underworld “Lift Your Head up High (And […]
Writing location: kitchen table > The Chair > kitchen table > couch > The Chair… …back on track. Got the daily average back up to 2,006/day. Still optimistic that I’ll hit 50k with time to spare. Quite the full day today too and I still managed this one: Today’s Oblique Strategy: The most important thing […]