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Tag Archives: Politics

about that rejected Sanders campaign donation

by not another Rob?

Bernie Sanders rejects CEO Martin Shkreli’s campaign donation:

  1. Good for Bernie for rejecting the donation; doubly good for donating it to a clinic.
  2. I think it’s a mistake not to meet with Shkreli though. Regardless of whether he is the “poster boy for drug company greed”, rejecting someone out of hand without even hearing them out seems wrong. (And has a smell of rejecting due process.)
    1. Which, granted, I don’t think Shkreli has a leg to stand on w/r/t/ justifying his actions in the slightest – at least not in context of his much-publicized price hike on Daraprim ($13.50 to $750).
    2. AND/BUT/SO all the more reason to meet with him – because if nothing else, can you imagine the Good Laugh™ Bernie would get from listening to such a screed? (And/or maybe his physician recommended against such a meeting because it would just put him to foaming at the mouth?)

      SIDE NOTE: So about Shkreli’s justification… I would love to hear this one. How exactly do you justify an approx. 5555% increase in a drug that was developed 62 years ago, NOT by your company, and has been unencumbered by patents for many years?

  3. You can tell Shkreli is a shill because all his quotes seem to employ “sort of” and “kind of” as modifiers. Like he isn’t willing to just come out and say what he means.
  4. As for Shkreli’s remark about “[taking] risks for innovation” – maybe actually (you know) take those risks instead of trying to mooch off of the success of a drug developed in 1958 and not by you.

Linkdump for December 16th

by Rob Friesel

AngularJS – Perceived Performance Github user @mendhak has this proposed directive for measuring load time performance of different components in a single-page app. Tl;dr: "loading" a portion of the page may be deferred for one reason or another, but once it is in fact "finished" (based on some user-defined version of "finished") it requests an […]

Linkdump for May 14th

by Rob Friesel

Haruki Murakami and the Art of Japanese Translations Roland Kelts, writing for The New Yorker: Rubin said that the first time he translated a Murakami novel, The Wind-Up Bird Chronicle, he phoned the author several times a day to nail word choices and correct inconsistencies. “In one scene, a character had black-framed glasses. In another, […]

Linkdump for April 29th

by Rob Friesel

The Myth of America’s Tech-Talent Shortage Jordan Weissmann writing for The Atlantic. And/but what I want to know is: Who are these companies that are clamoring to hire people on an H1-B because it's supposedly cheaper? The "indentured labor" line reads like a bit of a boogeyman to me, and though I'll buy the bit […]

Linkdump for March 20th

by Rob Friesel

Star Wars Family Tree Inappropriate Kissing At Joe Stone Graphic Design. (tagged: none) fun.js At Fogus' blog. He's written a book about functional programming in JavaScript (with a healthy dose of Underscore.js to boot). I've had the unique pleasure of getting to review the manuscript, and let me just say that this is just as […]

Linkdump for March 7th

by Rob Friesel

Breaking down Amazon’s mega dropdown Ben Kamens (bjk5) breaks down the technique behind Amazon's awesome new mega menu, and then how they implemented the same technique for the Khan Academy site. And then he open sources that solution as the jQuery-menu-aim plugin. Awesome stuff. Also (from the comments): don't miss even more of the theoretical […]

Linkdump for January 26th

by Rob Friesel

Quinoa bad for Bolivian and Peruvian farmers? Ignore the media hand-wringing. Ari LaVaux, writing for Slate Magazine. tl;dr: It's OK to buy quinoa, just do everyone the favor of looking for Fair Trade, sustainably cultivated quinoa. (tagged: politics food economics sustainability quinoa ) Writing Testable Frontend Javascript Part 1 – Anti-patterns and their fixes Shane […]

Linkdump for January 7th

by Rob Friesel

Tenth of December author George Saunders in conversation with his Random House editor, Andy Ward. At Slate Magazine. I wish I had an editor like this. (tagged: editing writing ) Are People Being Unfair to the House Republicans? Over at The Atlantic, Molly Ball interviews the recently resigned Rep. Steve LaTourette (R) about the House […]