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Tag Archives: Writing

NaNoWriMo 2007

by Rob Friesel

Well, November is National Novel Writing Month (NaNoWriMo, that is to say). Had a hell of a time of it last year 1– made it to 50,688 words in 25 days with what really did resemble a complete story by the end of it all. Still haven’t revisited that story as I’d planned to… but […]

get over the hump

by Rob Friesel

The writing outlining and revisions prep-work for the re-write of The Great Big Writing Project continue. Averaging somewhere in the 1-2 hour range each day. Working in these small chunks seems to be working. Concentrate on segments, do it in blocks. There’s an element of frustration in there too though; the small blocks of time […]

get it down, write it down

by Rob Friesel

Find every hour.  Steal every weak-willed moment back from yourself for yourself.  Fit it in.  Make time.  Write it out until you stymie.  Try something new, something different.  Arrange.  Re-arrange.  Plan it but don’t over-plan it.  Grant yourself a concession (there’s only so many hours in the week, you know).  Don’t lament.  Ask different questions.  […]

links for 2007-08-02

by Rob Friesel

Pirates vs Ninjas via Ben Stumbles (tags: debate humor) Musicovery via Wick: interactive webRadio (tags: music visualization todo) Joby (tags: design photography tools todo) Territories Reimagined via Ballardian: the World of J.G. Ballard (tags: research) When Your Income From Investments Covers Your Living Expenses: The “Crossover Point” via The Simple Dollar (via LifeHacker) (tags: money […]

writing reflections

by Rob Friesel

I decided to take Creighton’s advice and do something completely different.  I thought about my NaNoWriMo success(es) and what worked there and how much fun I had working on that project.  He was right that part of the reason for that success was that I wasn’t invested in that piece in the same way that […]

re-writing goals

by Rob Friesel

Of all my personal goals that I’ve set for 2007, it’s the writing one that’s bugging me the most. Write another draft of my novel.  I’m shooting for another draft of at least 80,000 words with at least 40,000 words worth of new material.  Complete overhaul.  Progress so far?  Well, I’ve got most of a […]