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Tag Archives: graphics

Linkdump for August 16th

by Rob Friesel

Exclusive: How LinkedIn used Node.js and HTML5 to build a better, faster app at VentureBeat — Interesting story here on how LinkedIn switched their mobile experience from Ruby-on-Rails to Node.js; of particular interest: the claim that this switch reduced their code complexity, shortened their development time, and reduced the amount of hardware required to service […]

Linkdump for September 7th

by Rob Friesel

DirectDraw Hack via /. — my hat is off to this guy (all for the love of the greatest "combat space flight sim" of all time) (tagged: graphics hacking windows DirectDraw WingCommander ) Awesome death spiral of a bizarre star at Bad Astronomy (Discover Magazine) (tagged: astronomy space science weird ) Zombie Pandemic Tracker (tagged: […]

Linkdump for February 1st

by Rob Friesel

Google To End Support For IE6 at Slashdot Technology: [Rajen Sheth, Google Apps senior product manager] suggested that customers upgrade their browsers to pretty much anything else. (tagged: IE6 Google obsolescence ) Preparing for the IPv6 Transition at Comcast Voices (via Slashdot) (tagged: comcast ipv6 todo ) What colours were dinosaur feathers? at Not Exactly […]

Linkdump for December 15th

by Rob Friesel

20 Best Science Fiction Books Of The Decade at io9 (via B²) (tagged: literature scifi todo reading ) 30 Must See Web Generator for Lazy Webmasters Not sure where the "Webmasters" bit comes in but it's still a decent round-up of some useful graphic/widget generators. (tagged: web generator graphics ) Douglas Crockford — The State […]

Linkdump for November 26th

by Rob Friesel

Apple document details Target Display mode for 27" iMac at tuaw — makes me think that I shouldn't bother getting an external monitor for "the home office" and just upgrade to this guy next year and use this instead… (tagged: iMac Apple hardware wishlist ) Advanced Plugin Development with Ext JS Great piece on developing […]

Linkdump for August 23rd

by Rob Friesel

Setting up the Ultimate Mac mini Home Theater at TUAW (tagged: Mac Macmini hometheater howto hardware tutorial ) Storyist 2.0, a professional’s writing tool at TUAW (tagged: writing software todo ) punypng at Gracepoint After Five (via Ajaxian) — PNG Image Optimization and Compression (tagged: PNG graphics webdev work ) Where I Write via B² […]

Linkdump for May 5th

by Rob Friesel

The Art of Penguin Science Fiction via B² (tagged: design literature scifi art typography illustration ) Here & There via Warren Ellis — "a horizonless projection in Manhattan" (awesome) (tagged: design visualization art map ) Classic Illustrators by Name via the w00t blog — a Flickr collection of scans of classic "Golden Age of Advertising" […]

Linkdump for April 17th

by Rob Friesel

Doug Rushkoff on DIY currencies at B² (tagged: currency money economy research ) NEW MATH by Craig Damrauer via DF: worth a link, for sure. worth a few minutes for a smile and a chuckle. (tagged: design visualization graphics humor math ) iPhone Wrestling Smackdown: WWE vs. TNA via The Apple Blog: tempting… if only […]

Linkdump for March 27th

by Rob Friesel

The Elegance of Imperfection at A List Apart — though a good read, I thought that it didn't really touch on the importance of doing and experimenting and risk-taking (which is where I thought it was going to go) versus over-thinking and/or over-engineering a solution/design/etc. (tagged: design blog creativity ) Natural Phenomena: Brooklynhenge by Ben […]

Linkdump for March 12th

by Rob Friesel

Follow The Oregon Trail on Your iPhone at TheAppleBlog: "Maya has died of dysentary." I love this game! (tagged: games iphone todo ) Tab click-through areas at Manton Reece (tagged: ui usability todo ) Happy Birthday Krakatoa! at Information Junk (via Julia) (tagged: reptile surreal weird blog ) JsMag the magazine for JavaScript developers (tagged: […]