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Tag Archives: TDD

Linkdump for February 6th

by Rob Friesel

DalekJS "Automated cross browser testing with JavaScript" … like a not-so-clunk Selenium, perhaps? Looks like an interesting project and worth coming back around to. (tagged: DalekJS browser automation testing ) Extending silent classes in Sass Harry Roberts outlines a technique for using Sass %placeholders that "shadow" their classes, allowing you to better control the output […]

Linkdump for July 18th

by Rob Friesel

DevRates "Open source reviews by real users" (via @kheiligh) (tagged: open source ) Lessons for devs from a responsive build Peter Gasston, writing at Broken Links. (tagged: media query responsive design mobile first ) Bless Bless provides an elegant solution to a lesser-known bug in Internet Explorer which causes CSS to be completely ignored. (tagged: […]

Linkdump for June 2nd

by Rob Friesel

Getting Started with Sublime Text 2 By Brandon Keepers. Sounds similar to my own experience getting settled into it. I think I've mentioned it before; it's a solid text editor, and with enough fiddling around, you can almost get it up to "IDE" status. (Almost.) (tagged: Brandon Keepers Sublime Text 2 ) The Plight of […]