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Tag Archives: Tilde Gravitywerks

Homebrew #52: Prosody (Mosaic)

by Rob Friesel

For the third installment in my single-hop APA series, I took some of the “left overs” from the Grisette Moderne and applied them toward this project. Time for Prosody (Mosaic): 1 I was so very tempted to use the “left over” Galaxy for the APA project and/but/so… I had a certain ribbon-winner that needed reprising.[↩]

Homebrew #42: Prosody (Motueka)

by Rob Friesel

Given the relative success of the first batch of this single hop APA project, and given that I hadn’t done any brewing at home since the Roggenbier in July, it seemed like a good opportunity to make a batch of straightforward-but-delicious pale ale for home consumption. 1 And given my recent excitement for New Zealand […]