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Tag Archives: Twitter

Linkdump for July 24th

by Rob Friesel

Making Maven Grunt. Fantastic Addy Osmani post with tips on integrating Grunt, Yeoman, and Bower into otherwise-Maven-based projects. Straightforward and useful. (tagged: Grunt Bower Maven Yeoman JavaScript ) JavaScript Isn’t Scheme I'm not going to quote it. Just read it. (Although by now you almost certainly have since I'm about 2 days behind on this […]

Linkdump for February 3rd

by Rob Friesel

Prince George’s considers copyright policy that takes ownership of students’ work Ovetta Wiggins, The Washington Post: A proposal by the Prince George’s County Board of Education to copyright work created by staff and students for school could mean that a picture drawn by a first-grader, a lesson plan developed by a teacher or an app […]

Linkdump for December 14th

by Rob Friesel

Joy of Clojure: Annotated Bibliography (tagged: bibliography programming Clojure ) Internet Explorer 10 on Windows 7 (Windows) In case you need to worry about this sort of thing: here's the MSDN doc that breaks down the differences between "real IE10" (on Windows 8) vs. the Windows 7-compatible IE10 "Release Preview". tl;dr: Unless you're dealing with […]

Linkdump for October 18th

by Rob Friesel

Fairly Priced Daniel Jalkut, at The culture of low-priced software is artificially pulling the prices of many apps downward, while in this case Twitter, with its API token-limitation policy, is artificially pulling the price upward. Pricing shit is complicated. (tagged: business software Twitter pricing ) you keep using that word Garann Means: If there’s […]

Linkdump for May 29th

by Rob Friesel

Introducing Grunt An introduction and starter guide by Grunt's creator, Ben Alman at Bocoup. Grunt is a JavaScript-based build tool. And it looks pretty sweet. I expect I'll be checking it out in the not too distant future. (tagged: todo Ben Alman Node.js Grunt JavaScript ) Improving performance on At the Twitter Engineering blog. […]

Linkdump for November 13th

by Rob Friesel

Steampunk Gilgamesh: The Annotated Version (tagged: Gilgamesh history alternate versions steampunk ) A cultural thought experiment Charlie Stross on understanding the hyper-rich through the lens of tomorrow's history. (tagged: future wealth politics money society essay todo ) Improving Rhino CLI utility performance at NCZOnline: "That’s 3 seconds, down from 45 seconds before the change. Not […]

tweet my customer service issues

by Rob Friesel

Or:  on not listening, retail communication break-downs, and getting help via so-called social networking. In case you haven’t been following the thread 1, our family just enjoyed quite the roller coaster ride thanks to a broken dishwasher and our (ultimately, eventually successful) attempts to replace it through Best Buy.  I’m sure that there’s a lesson to be […]

Linkdump for June 13th

by Rob Friesel

My Dad and Old Bay Seasoning at Al Dente — Old Bay is the 3rd best culinary invention after butter and bacon. (tagged: OldBay food ) 20 Developers to Follow on Twitter For me, the jury is still out on Twitter's staying power and whether/not the benefits outweigh the costs of following folks. The serendipity […]