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Tag Archives: unit testing

Linkdump for June 26th

by Rob Friesel

Advanced Unit Testing Techniques in JavaScript Decent introduction to unit testing with Sinon.js; by Guido Kessels, writing for Nettuts. Though the information Sinon.js itself is useful, the highlight of the article is really the robust definitions that Kessels provides for spies, stubs, and mocks. (tagged: Sinon.js JavaScript unit testing ) Learn Clojure in 15 minutes, […]

Linkdump for October 24th

by Rob Friesel

Beliefs Isaac Z. Schlueter: Every belief must pay rent, constantly, or be evicted. (tagged: beliefs ) Tribune endorsement: Too Many Mitts Salt Lake Tribune: Where, we ask, is the pragmatic, inclusive Romney, the Massachusetts governor who left the state with a model health care plan in place, the Romney who led Utah to Olympic glory? […]

headless JavaScript unit testing with Jasmine and PhantomJS

by Rob Friesel

Yesterday, I gave a talk (slides are here, and/or rate my talk here) at the fourth Vermont Code Camp on how to run fast, reliable, headless unit tests for JavaScript using the Jasmine BDD test framework and PhantomJS. What follows here is a summary of “the meat” of the talk: specifically, how to execute your […]

Linkdump for August 22nd

by Rob Friesel

Testing for the Web, Part I: Javascript Unit Testing with Jenkins, JSTD, Phantom.js and Sauce At the NetWallet Eng Blog. They describe how they're doing their automated front-end unit testing using… well, it's all spelled out in the blog post's title. (tagged: Sauce Labs JSTestDriver PhantomJS Jenkins unit testing JavaScript ) Cascading Attribute Sheets Tab […]