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Tag Archives: documentation

Linkdump for May 3rd

by Rob Friesel

Google Web Fundamentals I see this and I can't help but think Could we please get WebPlatform Docs out of alpha before embarking on any new comprehensive resources? (tagged: WebPlatform Docs Web Fundamentals Google webdev documentation ) Programming Sucks Peter Welch: The human brain isn't particularly good at basic logic and now there's a whole […]

Linkdump for October 8th

by Rob Friesel

WebPlatform Docs Looks very promising. MDN has been my go-to for answers like this for the past couple of years, but with all those organizations working together (Mozilla included) it could turn into the new canonical source. (tagged: reference documentation JavaScript SVG HTML CSS web ) Programmer Competency Matrix Some of this seems useful. Some […]

Linkdump for August 24th

by Rob Friesel

AngularJS "Superheroic JavaScript MVW Framework" I'd heard of AngularJS before today but I hadn't actually checked out their site before. While we're on the subject of "minimum viable snippets"… wow: what a landing page. (tagged: AngularJS JavaScript ) Minimum Viable Snippet @fogus: An important point about #3 is that under no circumstances should the Minimum […]

Linkdump for March 21st

by Rob Friesel

The White Savior Industrial Complex Teju Cole, writing for The Atlantic: This is not the sort of story that is easy to summarize in an article, much less make a viral video about. After all, there is no simple demand to be made and — since corruption is endemic — no single villain to topple. […]

Linkdump for December 9th

by Rob Friesel

Sen. Bernie Sanders: Saving Our Democracy "Show your support for this amendment by signing here." (tagged: politics ) 24 ways: Front-end Style Guides Great write-up by Anna Debenham at '24 ways' on front-end style guide best practices and some good ideas on how to create your own. (tagged: styleguide css frontend documentation ) Malinda Lo: […]

Linkdump for November 25th

by Rob Friesel

Strip Mining the Authors The Passive Voice; filed under: "some of the reasons that I'm taking a serious look at self-publishing." (tagged: writing publishing ) Swagger "A simple, open standard for describing REST APIs with JSON" (tagged: api documentation framework development generator work ) About Pepper Spray At Scientific American Blog Network — short version: […]

Linkdump for November 16th

by Rob Friesel

JavaScript does not need classes Alex Rauschmayer on why JavaScript doesn't need classes. (tagged: javascript ) Why I want Classes in JavaScript David Flanagan on why he wants "classes" in JavaScript. For my money: I agree in spirit, but I think calling the syntax sugar by "class" sends the wrong message. (And no, I don't […]

Linkdump for December 23rd

by Rob Friesel

CoffeeScript Another one via @fogus… (tagged: javascript programming language todo ) The Best Ruby Books via @fogus (tagged: programming Ruby books resources todo ) YUI Doc A New Tool for Generating JavaScript API Documentation » Yahoo! User Interface Blog (at YUIBlog) (tagged: javascript yui documentation tools generator todo ) Why I’m An Atheist A Holiday […]

Linkdump for December 7th

by Rob Friesel

Head JS "The only script in your HEAD" (tagged: browser framework javascript webdev todo ) Functional vs. Object-Oriented JavaScript Development at Script Junkie (tagged: coding javascript dev todo ) Bash Reference Manual (tagged: bash documentation ) Single Software Licence Shared 774,651 Times at /.: Avast noticed that a license for its paid-for security software, sold […]