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Tag Archives: news

Linkdump for April 8th

by Rob Friesel

Easter Bunny knit dissection at B²: hilarity! (tagged: Easter knitting funny ) Data Robotics goes large with 8-bay DroboPro Always popular, now with rack-mount options, iSCSI, and way more storage. (tagged: Drobo ) Ammo shortage continues nationwide at Asheville Citizen-Times: welcome back to the carnival of the absurd, folks! (tagged: surreal dangerous disconnected-from-reality news ) […]

Linkdump for April 2nd

by Rob Friesel

Tauntaun Sleeping Bag ThinkGeek wins the price this year for best April Fool's prank. Hands down. (tagged: geek fun kids wishlist starwars blog ) Wrong Tomorrow – pundits vs. time via fogus, DF — rejected alternate title "pundit fail"? (tagged: prediction future blog ) SXSW Typography: Quit Bitchin and get Your Glyph on If there's […]

Linkdump for March 22nd

by Rob Friesel

Spoiled: Organic and Local Is So 2008 by Paul Roberts (at Mother Jones) — the gist seems to be: re-evaluate your assumptions about what sustainable agriculture means (hint: it involves more than just carbon footprints and whether/not the farm is organic; see also: labor conditions, see also: man-hours of labor) and maybe be prepared to […]

Linkdump for March 18th

by Rob Friesel

The 75 Albums Every Man Should Own …according to Esquire. Not such a bad list, actually; and surprisingly well-rounded and eclectic. (tagged: todo music ) The Case for Paying the A.I.G. Bonuses at : That may strike many people as a bit of convenient legalese, but maybe there is something to it. If you […]

Linkdump for March 6th

by Rob Friesel

Why I’m Buying the New Mac Mini: Value Reconsidered at The Apple Blog: It is underpowered, it is overpriced, and, worst of all, as Gizmodo points out, it is not easily upgradeable after the fact, so most users would be advised to bite the bullet and pay Apple’s extortionate rates for in-house upgrades, or risk […]

Linkdump for February 18th

by Rob Friesel

IE Float model and the reality at CSS Class (tagged: webdev css IE floats essay todo ) When can I use… "Conclusion: Not Ready" — hope you like font tags! (tagged: webdev reference css ) Diagramming the Obama Sentence at The Millions (via B²): It was funny when the proverbial They did this for Palin's […]

Linkdump for February 17th

by Rob Friesel

Specify your canonical at Official Google Webmaster Central Blog (via DF) (tagged: webdev url todo ) The Third Bucket by James Duncan Davidson (tagged: photography essay todo ) Top 10 iPhone Games, as Voted by Readers at Game | Life from Yay! Time-wasters! (tagged: iPhone games fun todo ) MDK : Quicklook for […]

Linkdump for January 30th

by Rob Friesel

These are my links for January 25th through January 30th:

Linkdump for January 16th

by Rob Friesel

Coffee reduces Alzheimer’s risk: study via /.: Best news ever? *bzzz*bzzz*bzzz* (tagged: coffee news health science ) Circuit City fails to be wanted, will now be liquidated via Engadget – this is what happens when your recovery strategy includes firing your best retail employees and replacing them with greenhorns who, while paid out at â…“-½ […]