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Tag Archives: Tilde Gravitywerks

Homebrew #18: Tilde Galaxy

by Rob Friesel

Please welcome Tilde Galaxy, a single-hop American IPA, 1 the fifteenth homebrew as Tilde Gravitywerks, my eighteenth overall, and my seventh original recipe. 2 Isn’t it a lovely sight? Arguably a Double or Imperial IPA. The 2008 BJCP style guide puts the upper end of American IPA as 1.075, and the lower end of Imperial […]

Homebrew #17: Boo Beer

by Rob Friesel

My fourteenth Tilde Gravitywerks homebrew 1 turned out to be the first… major disappointment colossal failure learning experience? I set out to make a simple pale ale (originally tentatively titled “Acorn Pale” 2) and what I wound up with, after a number of disappointing surprises, was the delicious and refreshing Boo Beer: And seventeenth brew […]