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Tag Archives: tunes

Monday tunes

by Rob Friesel

The Sampo Method (Match all: Last Played is in the last 7 days, Date Added is in the last 2 weeks, Genre does not contain Mix; Limit to 10 songs selected by most often played) Interpol “Evil” Interpol “Take You On A Cruise” Interpol “Length of Love” Interpol “Not Even Jail” Interpol “C’mere” Interpol “Fog […]


by Rob Friesel

Recently picked up a copy of Midwest Product‘s album “Specifics” and have been enjoying it pretty thoroughly. Probably would have never picked up on it had I not seen it mentioned in Urb like 3 years ago. But for whatever reason it stuck out in my mind (maybe it’s the “???” name or the “that’s […]

quickie before bed

by Rob Friesel

Today-ish marks the approximate/more-or-less one year anniversary of the beginning of dream-logging here at Which isn’t to say that “evacuation” was the first. Far from it. But it was the beginning of it becoming a regular thing. Since then, I’ve posted almost 80 dreams, some short and vague, some long and detailed, some after […]

Monday Top 10s

by Rob Friesel

…on Tuesday! the return of The Sampo Method (Match all: Last Played is in the last 7 days, Date Added is in the last 2 weeks, Genre does not contain Mix; Limit to 10 songs selected by most often played) Boards of Canada “Chromakey Dreamcoat” Boards of Canada “Dayvan Cowboy” Mono “Silicone” Mono “The Outsider” […]

Apple vs. Teh Postal Service

by Rob Friesel

So is anyone else just plain sick and tired of this freakin’ story? To me it’s just another chapter in the s/he said s/he said po-mo mythology of who said what when why where first and whether or not it’s all that original and/or (re?)mix-worthy in the first place. Statement one: The Postal Service’s video […]

Monday Top 10s

by Rob Friesel

The “That Was So Last Week” Method(Match all: Last Played is in the last 7 days, Play Count is greater than 10, Genre does not contain Mix; Limit to 10 songs selected by least recently played.) Boards Of Canada “Rue the Whirl” Nitzer Ebb “Captivate” Ubu “Pixels” Underworld “Sola Sistim” Pixies “Gouge Away” Delerium “Orbit […]

Internet iTunes Registry

by Rob Friesel

Finally getting back around to visiting the Internet iTunes Registry. Indeed, there are some neat reports in there. Still getting a feel for what kind of information it’s really presenting – – i.e., how is it really comparing my tracks against others’? and why does it say I have a diversity of “0” in my […]

yet another iTunes meme

by Rob Friesel

Variations on a theme? Yet another iTunes-inspired song meme. This time via m00se: How many songs: 6,248 First Song: Candy Machine “–“ Last Song: Frederic Chopin “Zyczenie (Maiden’s Wish), Op. 74, No. 1 (Posth.)” Sort by time: * Shortest Song: 0:04 (“Dante’s Lament” off the Clerks soundtrack) * Longest Song: 2:57:17 (The Apostles “Live at […]