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Tag Archives: language

Linkdump for July 22nd

by Rob Friesel

Janet Fitch’s 10 rules for writers Careful w/ #2 though… (tagged: fiction language literature writing ) 11 Ways to Speed Up WordPress (tagged: wordpress optimization ) Nice Entity "Find your character!" — what a great idea (and a great design) (tagged: ascii Unicode webdev xhtml design entities reference typography cheatsheet ) Caching Improvements in Internet […]

Linkdump for April 22nd

by Rob Friesel

More from Eyjafjallajokull at — simply incredible (tagged: Eyjafjallajokull eruption ash photography news art ) QuirksBlog: A pixel is not a pixel is not a pixel Must read. But later. (tagged: css design html webdev pixels work todo essay ) High-performance DOM scripting (tagged: DOM javascript work todo ) The words David Foster Wallace […]

Linkdump for January 12th

by Rob Friesel

Name Your Band, Create Your Album Cover With Wikipedia & Flickr at Synthtopia (via JA) – I came up with: (tagged: todo flickr language surreal fun ) The Joy of Clojure ‘grats to my man Mike (tagged: Clojure friend ) Two Gentlemen of Lebowski via B² – EPIC (tagged: lebowski parody literature humor fun ) […]

Linkdump for September 8th

by Rob Friesel

JavaScript shell scripting / via Ajaxian — a little more useful info on using jsc (tagged: jsc javascript shell console terminal scripting tutorial todo Mac OSX ) JavaScript on the command line or as a shell scripting language at Ajaxian — /usr/bin/jsc for me, baby… (tagged: javascript shell scripting terminal command console todo ) […]

Linkdump for August 3rd

by Rob Friesel

Let Us Now Praise Awesome Dinosaurs, by Leonard Richardson at Strange Horizons Fiction (tagged: writing scifi humor satire dinosaurs fiction ) BusyCal via [GusMueller blog] — "Share Calendars on a LAN and sync with Google Calendar" — I've historically been disappointed with these apps/plugins/whatever but always seem to be willing to try another… so here's […]

Linkdump for July 27th

by Rob Friesel

Formula Found to Explain Earth’s Evenly Spaced Valleys at Yahoo! News (via JH) (tagged: via:kapowee math science geology todo ) The Heidi Klum of calculations at The Boston Globe (tagged: via:kapowee math science humor todo essay ) recovering lazyholic blog: phrase reduction via JH: I find it interesting that we are able to understand a […]

the Tao of LOL

by Rob Friesel

A friend asked me today:  “On IM, when you type ‘haha’, does that imply that you actually laughed?” I answered immediately:  no. The “haha” and “hehe” strings imply that you got the joke, that you’re reading and comprehending the humor, that you believe the preceding statement is funny – but it doesn’t necessarily mean that […]

on “trophy wife”

by Rob Friesel

Is there really a better, more apt, more semantically appropriate expression in modern English 1 than “trophy wife”?  Consider it: There is (perhaps) a hard-won battle in leading up to the “winning” of the trophy. But once you have that trophy, all that’s left is the memory of that winning… …the trophy itself is dead […]

Linkdump for March 26th

by Rob Friesel

Schott’s Vocab at (via DF) — like Wired's "jargon watch" only erudite. (tagged: blog language linguistics ) Sunday-Best Garlic Roast Beef at Cooks Country TV (via Ben) — for "top sirloin butt" (tagged: food beef recipe todo ) Dear A.I.G., I Quit! Hubris? (tagged: politics business econoocalypse ) Physical Cosmologies: The Shining via B² […]

Linkdump for February 18th

by Rob Friesel

IE Float model and the reality at CSS Class (tagged: webdev css IE floats essay todo ) When can I use… "Conclusion: Not Ready" — hope you like font tags! (tagged: webdev reference css ) Diagramming the Obama Sentence at The Millions (via B²): It was funny when the proverbial They did this for Palin's […]