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Tag Archives: news

Linkdump for April 20th

by Rob Friesel

The cost of privacy James Coglan writing at The If Works: However, encapsulation does not need to be rigorously enforced by the machine, and using this style has all sorts of annoying costs that I’ll get to in just a second. Encapsulation is something you get by deliberately designing interfaces and architectures, by communicating with […]

Linkdump for March 28th

by Rob Friesel

The End of Pagination Jeff Atwood writing at Coding Horror: …who the heck is visiting page 964 of 3810? As you can imagine, the comment thread is exactly the kind of potpourri you'd expect from this topic. (tagged: Jeff Atwood essay usability design pagination ux ui ) Super-Earths ‘in the billions’ At BBC News. (tagged: […]

Linkdump for January 21st

by Rob Friesel

retro_futurism: ОБЛОЖКИ ЖУРНАЛА "ТЕХНИКА-МОЛОДЕЖИ" С 1960 ПО 1969 г. Amazing gallery of Soviet-era propaganda-cum-futurism. (tagged: propaganda art retro Soviet Union Cold War Nostalgia futurism ) Citizens United Fallout: Coalition Asks SEC To Order Corporate Disclosure Of Political Spending Maybe not the worst Supreme Court ruling ever, but bordering on the top 10. If you're unfamiliar […]

Linkdump for December 6th

by Rob Friesel

TSA Glass Box Mother Over Stored Breast Milk at X-Ray Nation (via DF; emphasis added): My patience wears thin and I start crying. It is hard to see on this video, but real tears wouldn’t stop streaming down my face. About 10 minutes into all this, a Phoenix PD comes to calm me down. I […]

Linkdump for August 4th

by Rob Friesel

40 billionaires pledge to donate half their wealth at — Let's check back in annually, shall we? (tagged: blog business news politics society charity ) My Biggest Fear as a Developer… at Beautiful Interfaces (via @rmurphey) (tagged: design ui ux ) HTML5 Fuzzies Zeldman on "HTML5": To encourage what should be encouraged, yet not […]

Linkdump for June 17th

by Rob Friesel

Jo JavaScript Application Framework for HTML5 (tagged: CSS3 html5 javascript library ui webdev todo ) Pro Git (tagged: git documentation work ) A successful Git branching model at (tagged: work git dev essay branching ) Ephphatha Poetry: "Imagine if the Tea Party Was Black" – Tim Wise via @ebertchicago: Imagine that hundreds of black […]

Linkdump for April 22nd

by Rob Friesel

More from Eyjafjallajokull at — simply incredible (tagged: Eyjafjallajokull eruption ash photography news art ) QuirksBlog: A pixel is not a pixel is not a pixel Must read. But later. (tagged: css design html webdev pixels work todo essay ) High-performance DOM scripting (tagged: DOM javascript work todo ) The words David Foster Wallace […]

Linkdump for April 13th

by Rob Friesel

Formations and transformations: Samuel Delany’s Dhalgren at (tagged: Dhalgren Delany essay todo ) Brown-Bag on Public Speaking: 25 Tips at Redfin Corporate Blog (tagged: presentations article essay publicspeaking education ) Crockford on JavaScript: A Public Lecture Series at Yahoo! (tagged: crockford video javascript webdev todo ) ECMA-262-3 in detail at Ajaxian — an interesting-looking […]

Linkdump for March 22nd

by Rob Friesel

Waterloo And to keep it balanced, a quote from FrumForum: This time, when we went for all the marbles, we ended with none. UPDATED: looking at this again, this here might be the more relevant pull quote 1: Could a deal have been reached? Who knows? But we do know that the gap between this […]