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Tag Archives: tech

Linkdump for May 9th

by Rob Friesel

Starship Enterprise Destroyed by the Death Star win. (tagged: video StarWars StarTrek humor ) Ween at Waterfront Park (Burlington) on 11 Jul 2009 !?!?!?!? (tagged: burlington Vermont ) Backup your Database in Git (tagged: backup git MySQL founddrama todo ) Guide to Human Types (pt 2) (tagged: art anatomy ) The Star Trek Movie Cheat […]

debugging Malkovich

by Rob Friesel

While I wouldn’t say that I spoke to soon (re: “Poor Malkovich“), perhaps the situation bears some additional prudence to fully explore the options for remedy and repair.  After all, it should not be necessary to replace that iMac G5.  So let’s put all the cards out there.  Firstly – what the hell is going […]

Linkdump for April 15th

by Rob Friesel

Nutella Frosted Cupcakes at Al Dente: oh man, these look dangerously good… (tagged: Nutella food todo ) Philip K. Dick Award Winners Announced: A Tie Between Castro and Walton at Omnivoracious (tagged: PKD literature scifi todo ) Daring Fireball: Complex at DF: Gall’s law raises hard questions. Where do you start? How small? How simple? […]

Git with it!

by Rob Friesel

Partly for my own enjoyment and partly to respond to Tweets from two friends of mine, I’d like to write a little bit about my experience with the Git source control manager. Before we get too far in this process though, let’s get one thing out in the open.  I’m probably the least technical developer out […]


by Rob Friesel

While banging through the home-stretch of Ortho 1.0, I decided to give MacRabbit’s Espresso editor a try. I’m “between” editors right now – feeling no special love or loyalty to any one text editor – and noting Espresso’s public beta, I decided it was worthy of some exploration. THE SHORT VERSION: I liked it alright […]

Ortho 1.0

by Rob Friesel

Almost exactly two years ago, I first unveiled Ortho, the home-rolled custom WordPress theme that you see here.  It is named in part after the character Ortho Stice from David Foster Wallace’s novel Infinite Jest and is also a vaguely tongue-in-cheek, slightly punny nod to the squared-off corners that graced the original design. With this […]

Linkdump for March 3rd

by Rob Friesel

AirPort Extreme "Simultaneous dual-band 802.11n Wi-Fi base station" — win win win win win win! (tagged: AirPort WiFi network wishlist todo ) The NewerTech Voyager Q review Hivelogic (via DF): This is pretty much exactly the solution I think I need. (tagged: Mac tech backup todo wishlist ) Structural Naming Convention in CSS (tagged: webdev […]

Linkdump for February 18th

by Rob Friesel

IE Float model and the reality at CSS Class (tagged: webdev css IE floats essay todo ) When can I use… "Conclusion: Not Ready" — hope you like font tags! (tagged: webdev reference css ) Diagramming the Obama Sentence at The Millions (via B²): It was funny when the proverbial They did this for Palin's […]