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Tag Archives: essay

Linkdump for April 7th

by Rob Friesel

Young Mammoth Likely Butchered by Humans By Jennifer Viegas at Discovery News: The carcass is in such good shape that much of its flesh is still intact, retaining its pink color. The blonde-red hue of Yuka's woolly coat also remains. (tagged: research history paleontology ) Minimum Paragraph Widths in Fluid Layouts Gustav Andersson writing at […]

Linkdump for April 2nd

by Rob Friesel

A New Green Agenda for Commuters Lisa Margonelli writing for The Nation: The cost of owning and driving a car should be a major political issue. Republicans have spent the past decade talking about lowering taxes, while Democrats have put enormous effort into lowering medical costs; but most families spend more on their cars and […]

Linkdump for March 28th

by Rob Friesel

The End of Pagination Jeff Atwood writing at Coding Horror: …who the heck is visiting page 964 of 3810? As you can imagine, the comment thread is exactly the kind of potpourri you'd expect from this topic. (tagged: Jeff Atwood essay usability design pagination ux ui ) Super-Earths ‘in the billions’ At BBC News. (tagged: […]

Linkdump for March 22nd

by Rob Friesel

The Invisible Dystopia Paolo Bacigalupi writing in Kirkus Book Reviews: We are a dystopian society, and we don't even notice. (tagged: none) Building Responsive Layouts with Sass Sass core contributor Chris Eppstein on building a responsive grid system with Sass. He points out that this is not a "boilerplate" or a "bootstrap", but that it […]

Linkdump for March 21st

by Rob Friesel

The White Savior Industrial Complex Teju Cole, writing for The Atlantic: This is not the sort of story that is easy to summarize in an article, much less make a viral video about. After all, there is no simple demand to be made and — since corruption is endemic — no single villain to topple. […]

Linkdump for March 20th

by Rob Friesel

The Ultimate Beginner’s Guide To AppleScript at Mac.AppStorm (tagged: applescript ) How I’m implementing Responsive Web Design By Jeff Croft. Not sure that I agree with the "JS breakpoints first" approach that he hints at preferring; also, when he points out that Sass treats the media query more/less like a selector (which you'd expect) in […]

Linkdump for March 15th

by Rob Friesel

Could You Build a Scale Lego Model of the Death Star? at Wired Science: So, for all the pieces this would cost about 9.8 x 1012 US dollars, yes almost 10 trillion dollars. (tagged: humor LEGO Star Wars ) Multi-Device Layout Patterns Luke W. on responsive layout patterns. (tagged: todo essay webdev design responsive ) […]

Linkdump for March 7th

by Rob Friesel

Pay Only for Drugs That Help You An editorial in the New York Times by Samuel D. Waksal. There are some interesting ideas in there, some of which I even agree with. There is something very compelling about saying (w/r/t/ healthcare) "we should only pay when we get results". But it's also a slippery slope. […]

Linkdump for February 28th

by Rob Friesel

The Sun is Setting on Rails-style MVC Frameworks At Still digesting this one (and its B- comment thread). Short version of immediate gut response: aspects of MVC are bogus (e.g., some of the "magic", implementation details that throw "wrong" HTTP responses [if you want to be that pedantic]), but it seems to me like […]

Linkdump for February 21st

by Rob Friesel

Valid JavaScript variable names Mathias Bynens going deep on the sometimes confusing world of JavaScript variable names. (tagged: javascript ) David Foster Wallace: The Big, Uncut Interview (2003) At Open Culture (via @fogus) (tagged: video culture interview politics literature David Foster Wallace ) Is Device-Friendly Development a Responsibility? Some musings from local dev Mike Fowler […]