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Tag Archives: environment

Linkdump for January 21st

by Rob Friesel

retro_futurism: ОБЛОЖКИ ЖУРНАЛА "ТЕХНИКА-МОЛОДЕЖИ" С 1960 ПО 1969 г. Amazing gallery of Soviet-era propaganda-cum-futurism. (tagged: propaganda art retro Soviet Union Cold War Nostalgia futurism ) Citizens United Fallout: Coalition Asks SEC To Order Corporate Disclosure Of Political Spending Maybe not the worst Supreme Court ruling ever, but bordering on the top 10. If you're unfamiliar […]

Linkdump for November 28th

by Rob Friesel

Delicious Deal at Seven Days — that's our café! (tagged: food ) Pandoc Well that looks… awesome. (tagged: markdown markup haskell text conversion todo ) A reading list for JVM-based developers at Prehensile Tail (tagged: jvm java work todo ) DOCUMERICA: Images of America in Crisis in the 1970s Alan Taylor, The Atlantic; fascinating […]

Linkdump for June 7th

by Rob Friesel

JetBrains WebStorm via Ajaxian —"The best IDE for Web development with JavaScript, HTML and CSS" (tagged: css editor html html5 javascript software webdev work todo ) Futuristic mega-projects by Shimizu at Pink Tentacle (via Boing Boing) (tagged: research future architecture design environment energy inspiration scifi sustainability ) A multicellular organism that lives without oxygen at […]

Linkdump for January 2nd

by Rob Friesel

Irish atheists challenge blasphemy law at BBC News: "This new law is both silly and dangerous," he said. "It is silly because medieval religious laws have no place in a modern secular republic, where the criminal law should protect people and not ideas." (tagged: atheism Ireland news ) 10 Easy Ways to Green Your Web […]

Linkdump for December 27th

by Rob Friesel

35 Google open-source projects that you probably don’t know at 0x1fff — quite a few things to check out here… (tagged: webdev google opensource todo ) Simulating single-payer by Paul Krugman at (via lawnczar) (tagged: politics HCR Krugman essay ) Why programmers are not paid in proportion to their productivity at The Endeavour (via […]

Linkdump for December 6th

by Rob Friesel

In-wall USB charger is as cheap as it is ingenious at Engadget — so cool (tagged: USB power charger energy blog ) One Million Years of Isolation: An Interview with Abraham Van Luik at BLDGBLOG (via B²) — re: Yucca Mountain (great images and interesting discussion) (tagged: design science future history environment nuclear energy architecture […]

Linkdump for November 23rd

by Rob Friesel

Beverage Company McKinlay And Co. Drills For Vintage Scotch Whiskey In Antarctica at (via B²) — I wish all news stories were like this. It has everything! (tagged: whiskey conservation Antarctica environment history news ) Pasadena Yoga Some linky love for a friend's yoga program down in MD. (tagged: Maryland yoga friend ) Hacked […]

Linkdump for September 6th

by Rob Friesel

White House Adviser Van Jones Resigns Amid Controversy Over Past Activism at — this not totally surprising but it is disappointing because we need Jones' message (re marrying our environmental and economic needs) (tagged: politics news environment ) OS X 10.6 Snow Leopard How to install Java 1.4 and/or 1.5 if needed. (tagged: java […]

Linkdump for March 22nd

by Rob Friesel

Spoiled: Organic and Local Is So 2008 by Paul Roberts (at Mother Jones) — the gist seems to be: re-evaluate your assumptions about what sustainable agriculture means (hint: it involves more than just carbon footprints and whether/not the farm is organic; see also: labor conditions, see also: man-hours of labor) and maybe be prepared to […]

Linkdump for February 2nd

by Rob Friesel

These are my links for January 30th through February 2nd: