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Tag Archives: ui

Linkdump for April 4th

by Rob Friesel

Grails Best Practices Amit Jain writing at InfoQ. Good round-up on (title says it all…) Grails best practices–regardless of whether/not you agree with them all. (tagged: grails ) Remembering Project Gemini At The Atlantic: this "50th anniversary" retrospective of the Gemini missions is stunning and captivating. (tagged: history astronomy space ) Groovy Goodness: Magic Package […]

review: Mobile Design Pattern Gallery

by Rob Friesel

I just wrapped up reading 1 Theresa Neil’s Mobile Design Pattern Gallery (published by O’Reilly), and I am happy to call it a worthwhile survey. I say “survey” because that’s exactly what we have here: Neil takes a look at the dominant patterns (and anti-patterns) in the application interface designs that are targeted at mobile […]

Linkdump for March 28th

by Rob Friesel

The End of Pagination Jeff Atwood writing at Coding Horror: …who the heck is visiting page 964 of 3810? As you can imagine, the comment thread is exactly the kind of potpourri you'd expect from this topic. (tagged: Jeff Atwood essay usability design pagination ux ui ) Super-Earths ‘in the billions’ At BBC News. (tagged: […]

Linkdump for March 21st

by Rob Friesel

The White Savior Industrial Complex Teju Cole, writing for The Atlantic: This is not the sort of story that is easy to summarize in an article, much less make a viral video about. After all, there is no simple demand to be made and — since corruption is endemic — no single villain to topple. […]

Linkdump for March 15th

by Rob Friesel

Could You Build a Scale Lego Model of the Death Star? at Wired Science: So, for all the pieces this would cost about 9.8 x 1012 US dollars, yes almost 10 trillion dollars. (tagged: humor LEGO Star Wars ) Multi-Device Layout Patterns Luke W. on responsive layout patterns. (tagged: todo essay webdev design responsive ) […]

Linkdump for January 27th

by Rob Friesel

JavaScript pattern and antipattern collection A neat little collection of JavaScript patterns (and anti-patterns), collected and curated by Shi Chuan. (tagged: patterns javascript ) An interview with William Gibson William Gibson, interviewed at The Verge: The idea of rarity and value and collectibility fascinates me in an abstract sense. It doesn't particularly drive me to […]

Linkdump for August 30th

by Rob Friesel

The Sass Way (tagged: Ruby css Sass blog ) Sass for Designers at SonSpring (tagged: webdev css sass ) Nanolaw with Daughter Been meaning to read this for months. Finally for around to it. So worth it. (tagged: writing scifi future history fiction ) In the privacy of our homes at Code: Flickr Developer Blog […]

Linkdump for August 1st

by Rob Friesel

Beer Can Chicken Recipe at Simply Recipes — So simple; so delicious. (tagged: recipe food cooking beer grill ) ClojureScript Brings Clojure To The Browser via Javascript Werner Schuster writing for InfoQ on the introduction of ClojureScript — some of its hows and whats and whys. (tagged: javascript Clojure clojurescript essay todo ) An Ode […]

Linkdump for February 13th

by Rob Friesel

Lessons From the Slush Pile: Your Cover Letter and You at Inkpunks — could have been sub-titled: "the less-is-more approach to writing cover letters" (tagged: writing publishing ) Against Chrome: A Manifesto at 3quarksdaily — An interesting and thoughtful essay making the rounds this past week.  Worth at least a look, even if you don't […]

on footnotes, links, and cognition

by Rob Friesel

Recently, Nicholas Zakas wrote a blog post about switching from “embedded links” to footnotes. His decision was largely in response to some data cited in Nicholas Carr’s book The Shallows 1; of those data, Carr writes: The test subjects who read the pages linearly actually scored considerably higher on a subsequent comprehension test than those […]