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Tag Archives: work

Linkdump for February 25th

by Rob Friesel

Designing User Interfaces For Business Web Applications at Smashing Magazine (tagged: webdev design ui usability ux prototyping work todo ) Ten rules for writing fiction(part two) via B² – …and 2 of 2. (tagged: writing inspiration ) Ten rules for writing fiction via B² – Inspired by (and including) the ten rules from Elmore Leonard. […]

Linkdump for February 16th

by Rob Friesel

Souders blasts off 5 in a row at Ajaxian (tagged: html performance javascript css webdev work todo ) Over Fifteen Pounds of Book!!–Knowing Darkness: Artists Inspired by Stephen King at Omnivoracious — looks pretty awesome (tagged: art wishlist ) Comcast enters rebranding territory at The Boston Globe (via /.): W2 Group’s Weber said such a […]

Linkdump for February 11th

by Rob Friesel

New Russian botnet tries to kill rival at Network World (via /.) (tagged: spam security network research ) Estimating programming time at ITworld (via /.) (tagged: software programming work ) The government has your baby’s DNA at (via /.) (tagged: politics news dna privacy genetics paranoia future research ) Google Plans To Deliver 1Gb/sec […]

Linkdump for January 26th

by Rob Friesel

geuis’s helium-css at GitHub (via Ajaxian) — scan your page for unused CSS (tagged: css javascript webdev todo ) Realism in UI Design at ignore the code (via @brown_MINI) (tagged: design ui usability ux icons essay ) Internet Explorer 8 document and browser modes at NCZOnline (tagged: webdev IE8 work todo ) Data URIs explained […]

Linkdump for December 22nd

by Rob Friesel

Attackers Buying Own Data Centers for Botnets, Spam at threatpost (via B² (via /.)) (tagged: spam hacking crime politics security research ) The Physics of Space Battles at Gizmodo (via A.L.) (tagged: writing scifi science research physics todo ) Life on Mars theory boosted by new methane study at International Space Fellowship (via /.) (tagged: […]

Linkdump for December 6th

by Rob Friesel

In-wall USB charger is as cheap as it is ingenious at Engadget — so cool (tagged: USB power charger energy blog ) One Million Years of Isolation: An Interview with Abraham Van Luik at BLDGBLOG (via B²) — re: Yucca Mountain (great images and interesting discussion) (tagged: design science future history environment nuclear energy architecture […]

Linkdump for December 3rd

by Rob Friesel

NaNoWriMo is over. Now what? Toss it, or floss it? And… via Scrivener (tagged: writing nanowrimo ) Steve Souders: Making Web Sites Faster in the Web 2.0 Age at O'Reilly Radar (tagged: JavaScript webdev work todo ) CommonJS effort sets JavaScript on path for world domination via /. (tagged: javascript interesting CommonJS ServerJS todo ) […]

Linkdump for December 1st

by Rob Friesel

The Technium: 1,000 True Fans via John (tagged: interesting future art writing creativity culture business essay todo longtail ) Some Biologists Find an Urge in Human Nature to Help at As children grow older, they become more selective in their helpfulness. Starting around age 3, they will share more generously with a child who […]

Linkdump for November 26th

by Rob Friesel

Apple document details Target Display mode for 27" iMac at tuaw — makes me think that I shouldn't bother getting an external monitor for "the home office" and just upgrade to this guy next year and use this instead… (tagged: iMac Apple hardware wishlist ) Advanced Plugin Development with Ext JS Great piece on developing […]

Linkdump for November 17th

by Rob Friesel

Odd Man Out. Why isn’t anyone else taking paternity leave? (tagged: parenting essay ) 9 Most Common IE Bugs and How to Fix Them at Nettuts+ – just keep reminding yourself (tagged: webdev IE debugging work ) A bug’s dance at The University of Chicago Magazine: Arts & Sciences – “Julia Oldham’s artwork is inspired […]